We’re proud to partner with organizations such as these, who understand the power and importance of Rural Health across Nebraska and our Country.
Rural Organizations

The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) is a national nonprofit membership organization with more than 20,000 members. The association’s mission is to provide leadership on rural health issues through advocacy, communications, education and research. NRHA membership consists of a diverse collection of individuals and organizations, all of whom share the common bond of an interest in rural health.

The National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) is the only national organization dedicated exclusively to improving the delivery of quality, cost-effective health care in rural under served areas through the Rural Health Clinics (RHC) Program. NARHC works with Congress, federal agencies, and rural health allies to promote, expand, and protect the RHC Program.
Rural Health Information

The Rural Health Information Hub, formerly the Rural Assistance Center, is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to be a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. We are committed to supporting health care and population health in rural communities. The RHIhub is your guide to improving health for rural residents we provide access to current and reliable resources and tools to help you learn about rural health needs and work to address them.

The Rural Health Research Center (RHRC) Program is the only Federal program that is dedicated entirely to producing policy-relevant research on health care in rural areas. The Centers study critical issues facing rural communities in their quest to secure adequate, affordable, high-quality health services for their residents.

The Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI) is a national policy research organization with a mission to: (1) undertake unbiased research and analysis on the challenges, needs, and opportunities facing rural America; (2) improve the understanding of the impacts of public policies and programs on rural people and places, using original research and policy analysis; and (3) facilitate dialogue and collaboration among the diverse community, policy, practice, and research interests focused on a sustainable rural America.

A pioneering group of rural physicians and hospital administrators came together in 2013 to begin the journey toward managing rural population health. Through innovation and collaboration, they sought to transform today's rural health care delivery system into a world-class primary care system that provides professional satisfaction for clinicians, attracts consumers, and provides high-quality acute, post-acute and outpatient services that meet patients’ needs.