
About Us

Advocating for Quality Health Care in Rural Nebraska Since 1990

The Nebraska Rural Health Association (NeRHA) is the result of a shared vision among health care providers across Nebraska, who recognize the value of uniting in support of rural health care throughout our state.

Our grassroots, non-profit organization is powered and driven by our members: A wide variety of medical professionals and organizations invested in the health and wellness of rural Nebraskans. Together, our NeRHA members and leaders work to identify health concerns across our state, and collaborate on strategies to improve services in our communities.

Jed R. Hansen, PhD, APRN, FNP-C

Executive Director

Jed Hansen, PhD, APRN, FNP-C, is the Nebraska Rural Health Association’s Executive Director and serves as the Nebraska Hospital Association’s senior rural consultant. He is a native Nebraskan, growing up in the community of Minden, located about three hours west of Omaha. His academic background is focused on healthcare utilization facilitators and barriers in ambulatory care settings, and he actively practices in Urgent Care and Emergency Departments in Nebraska. Dr. Hansen leads projects focused on the rural emergency hospital model, improving veteran access to care, rural dental, mental health initiatives, and rural senior dignity projects. He also works diligently to improve interoperability and data flow in rural health care settings and increase workforce pipelining.

Dr. Hansen is a Fellow of the National Rural Health Association and the 2023 NRHA Advocate of the Year. He has been recognized as an influential healthcare leader and academic in Nebraska through the Nebraska Action Coalition and the University of Nebraska Medical Center, respectively.

Annette Wolfe

Project Coordinator for Rural Research Network

Willa Prescott

Director of Communications

Margaret Brockman

Rural Partners and Special Projects Advisor

Abbey Klein

Director of Operations

Join our community.

Our Mission

To bring together diverse interests and provide a unified voice to promote and enhance the quality of rural health.

Our Vision

To be the leading advocate for the improved health of rural Nebraskans.

Our Priorities

We will accomplish our mission through leadership, advocacy, coalition building, education and communication.

Board of Directors



Kendra Brown

(Term 2 Expires 2026)

Chief Nursing Officer
Kearney County Health Services
727 East First Street,
Minden, NE 68959




Julie Niles, RDH

(Term 2 Expires 2025)

Nebraska Dental Hygienists Ass'n
1826 S. Meridian Ave.
Cozad, NE 69130


Zach Witt, MHA


Administrative Fellow
Bryan Health
1600 S. 48th Street
Lincoln, NE 68506

Board Members

Screen Shot 2025-01-28 at 1.31.26 PM

Kendra Brown

(Term 2)

Chief Nursing Officer
Kearney County Health Services
727 East First Street
Minden, NE 68959

Scott Cook CHI Health

Scott Cook


Vice President of Business Development
Ni2 Healthd
Omaha, NE


Heather Harris-Ockinga


317 N Webster St
Red Cloud, NE 6897

Brady Beecham, MD


Chief Medical Officer
Gothenburg Health
910 20th St,
Gothenburg, NE 69138


Kristie Stricklin

(Term 2 Expires 2025)

Vice President of Clinic Services
Boone County Health Center
PO Box 151
Albion, NE 68620


Erica Hasenohr


Clinic Director
Brown County Hospital
945 E Zero St
Ainsworth, NE 69210

Tanya Sharp


Chief Clinical Operations Officer
Antelope Memorial Hospital
102 W 9th St
Neligh, NE 68756


Alex Burhop


Market Director of Operations
Regional Critical Access Hospitals
CHI Health
Omaha, NE

Are you interested in serving on the NERHA Board of Directors?

Individual members can nominate someone or themselves at anytime prior to August 1st of each year. At that time, the NERHA will openly solicit nominations for the Board of Directors from the general membership. Each nominee must fill out the form below which includes a list of questions to be answered by all nominees that shall serve the purpose of demonstrating both their qualifications and interest in the offices or positions. Failure to respond to any or all of these questions is cause for an individual’s name to be removed from nomination.

All nominations are forwarded to the NERHA President–Elect who will present in writing to the NERHA Executive Committee a slate of nominations on or before September 15th of each year. In approving the slate to be presented to the membership, the executive committee shall keep in mind the importance of leadership that is broadly representative of the professional, institutional, geographic, ethnic and racial makeup of rural health.

The executive director will present in writing to the membership a slate of candidates approved by the Executive Committee on or before October 15th each year. Each member, in good standing, shall have the opportunity to vote in the election through an electronic method made available by the Association.

Results are announced by December 1st of each year,



Nebraska Rural Health Association
4505 Lake Forest Cir.
Papillion, NE 68133

Phone: 402-934-6601

Toll Free: 888-926-4554 
